Rock and Role Ministry

Telling stories, leading them in prayer, training in evangelism 130 recruits at our GO conference in Germany getting ready to go for 1 and 2 years all around the glob. Wonderful time.

As I prayed for Irene, this keen German girl and her ministry. I told her that I was seeing a picture of a 4″ ear in front of me. She gave out this surprise chuckle. I do sign language for the deaf and she left encouraged.

Can’t wait to see my honey. Pray for us as she flies into Frankfurt and we will be ministering together for 3 weeks in England, Holland, Finland and Germany mobilizing 500 recruits for our July outreach sound the Mediterranean.

When you lose it, don’t lose it?

A cold chill rushed down my spine. “Where’s my backpack?” I’d just called Jane, my twin sister, to say that I’ve come through arrivals London Gatwick Airport, from Atlanta beginning a 9 week ministry trip to England, Finland, Germany, Holland and India. “Somebody’s taken it.” Just back 5 minutes into the country of my birth. “Bible gone, GPS gone, but worse, my new Ipad2, bought 3 days ago with kind gifts of 3 churches for my special assignment. “Don’t loose it, Richard.” “Keep your head in all situations,” charges Paul, the Apostle, to his young sidekick, Timothy (2 Tim 4:5). Hated calling my honey. Wanted to put it off till tomorrow, but had to tell her the inevitable. As word got out, prayers went up that whoever stole it would bring it back.

Later at my Twin’s home, “I’ll check,” the voice at lost property offered little hope. What do you have in the backback? A Bible, Yes, Heart skipped. SatNav (Americans call it a GPS) That’s here. Heart leaped. Then the big one. My heart stopped. I’m on my way. My ipad? There as well.Thank you Lord, and grateful I did not lose it.

Mark’s Gospel starts out different from Genesis or John’s Gospel

Beginning my morning devotions in Mark’s gospel this year, I was immediately struck with how Mark begins his gospel.

He does not begin like with God as Creator as in Genesis “In the beginning God created” (1:1) or like John with Jesus as Creator, “In the beginning was the Word …Through him all things were made… (John 1:1)

But Mark leaps over God or Jesus as CREATOR and begins with God as REDEEMER: ‘The beginning of the gospel about Jesus’

Strange thoughts run through your mind at 3am …

… “I wonder how long I might have to live.”

The pain in my shoulder and chest due to lifting weights, so I thought, had increased with such severity that I couldn’t lie down, sit up or stand still and I asked Rachel to get me to ER. The doctor’s questions over the phone the next day suggested something more serious to do with my heart. 3am in bed Friday morning, I found myself answering my worry question with a song:

“I’m in his hands, I’m in his hands, whatever the future holds, I’m in his hands. His ways I cannot see, have all been planned for me, his way is best you see, I’m in his hands.”

Yesterday I had an EKG and my local doctor happily informed me its just a muscle strain.

You should write a book …

… said the Indian lady at my book table Christmas Day.

“That does it,” “Lord, I’ve heard this too many times over the last 19 years.”

The first time. My professor at Regent College, Vancouver, turned to me, “Richard, you should write,” and then carried on his lecture.

Another time at my book table — I always have a book table when I speak, taking a moment before my message to introduce key titles that have impacted my life.
“Where is your book,” the lady said.
I don’t have a book.
Well, if you had a book I would buy your book?

So it’s time.
What to write about?
Who would publish it?
Have to make a start?
I am going to write a series of stories when life stopped still for me.
I will put them on my website. Take a look. Love your feedback.
A title that popped in my head, “Eleven tomato ketchup bottles.”
That’s one of the times, aged 14, life stopped still.