Aug 20, 2016 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
“This is my first time in a church,” exclaimed Jaz, walking into to this beautiful cathedral open to tourists in downtown Cardiff, Wales, “can anyone tell me what it is all about? Happily showing her with the four pictures on my wristband the good news of the gospel, this young women, flying home that day to India, came to faith in Christ. “I just feel so wonderful, so different inside.”
Aug 20, 2016 | Blog, One Wish, US Ministry
Wear the wristband and keep a packet of leaflets on hand to give as you connect with people.
Invite someone to join you for the 21 day challenge and connect weekly about any experiences sharing One Wish and reflections from the Growing in Friendship booklet (page after days 7,14, 21).
Say the 5 key One Wish phrases on the back of the card so you get comfortable using them.
Have a daily 5 minute conversation with God using the Growing in Friendship booklet.
Start date _________________
5 One Wish Phrases (one of the 4 challenges)
- Q1 If you could wish one thing from God today for you, what would that be?
- Q2 May I show you with these 4 pictures God’s one wish for you? (Picture of the 2 on cover of tract)
- God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so that we could be put right with God. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 MSG
- If we choose to live without God in this life, God will choose to live without us in the next life.
- Dear God, connect me with someone today and soften their heart towards you and my heart towards them.
Order the wristband, packet of leaflets, and the “Growing in Friendship” booklet online at
May 14, 2015 | Blog, One Wish, US Ministry
I got to go with our Quarry attendees to Centennial Olympic Park today. Engaged four people in conversations. With two of them I got to ask the “One Wish” question. Got to share the gospel with one of them using the wristband. It was a great day today. One of my best in a long time — because I was talking to people about Jesus!
Thanks for being an evangelist who does it in such a winsome way and equips the saints to do it. You are such a blessing to our team and to the thousands you are impacting as you equip them using “One Wish.”