Jun 5, 2018 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
This brother in Lebanon could not wait to tell me that he had led someone to the Lord — one of twenty who made a decisions one evening after receiving the One Wish training.
Giving wristbands to Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

May 26, 2018 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

While we were serving onboard Logos Hope in Bonaire (March 2017), Yasmin Henry & I were out for street evangelism one evening. We met a couple from India who had lived there in Bonaire for several years. They were Hindus but very friendly and willing to talk.
We asked them what their one wish would be, and they said, “A baby!” We prayed for them, then got to share the gospel. They listened intently, and when we asked if they had a Bible they answered no. When we gave them one, the wife (Ruby) took it reverently and said, “I will read this, and it will change my life!” Manish, her husband, invited us to share the gospel and pass out Bibles at his department store on Easter Sunday, which we did. Her parting words to us were, “This [appointment] was completely made by God!”
In December, after we had left the ship, we got an email from Ruby with the subject line, “Blessed with a baby boy!” She said, “Remember us? You prayed with us for a baby and gave us a Bible.”
May 25, 2018 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
At airport in Atlanta I asked the official if he could wave $200 fee for the second case as it is donated materials for pastors. Found out his wife recently sworn in as an American citizen. And he said their is no fee. Happily took my leaflet and said that he will read it on his break.
Just arrived in Beirut. They checked all my bags. Read my leaflets in Armenian, English and Arabic and let me take my 5000 leaflets and 2500 wristbands. Asked one of the officials his One Wish and prayed for his wife’s health. PTL.
Feb 23, 2018 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
Tuesday the entire Riverboat community went to the center of Mainz to share Jesus in various ways including a flash mob Dance, dramas, worship, art, kids activities, prayer and of course conversations.
Herbert from Germany (blue jacket) came to Christ as did 4 of the 6 Italian students we met and shared with. Praise the Lord.
Feb 22, 2018 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
During a Concert of Prayer in a church this Sunday in Mainz I saw a picture of bright blue sky. A plane flew straight north leaving a white trail. Then a second plane flew direct south also leave a white trail. Then a plane flew west and another east, both leaving white trails.
At the end of the concert I shared this picture with the group. Like the planes, I told them, our prayers have gone north, south, east and west.
The the worship team sang, “Shout to the north and the south, sing to the east and the west, Jesus is Savior and Lord, he is Lord of heaven and earth.”
They had planned to sing that song earlier, but skipped it, not knowing why!!!
Feb 22, 2018 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
During a recent 48 hour trip back to the States for a citizenship interview, courtesy of Delta Frequent Flyer Miles, I had the idea to raise $500 on GoFundMe to help cover the cost of refreshments for the guests our Riverboat company invite to the Cafe onboard in order to share Jesus with them. But the hours flew by and I did not get to it, nor even tell Rachel about it, who had flown back with me to sort out urgent house keeping matters.
Rachel happened to mention about the Riverboat Cafe outreach to a friend. Eager to help with the hospitality to see people come to Christ, she called her husband, pulled out her checkbook and wrote a check for $500.