Get in the Game!

With the World Cup on — I preached a missional message yesterday in a church in Barcelona, Spain. “Imagine this soccer ball as the gospel and the soccer field as the world,” I told them. “Jesus’ Game Plan in Acts 1:8 is for us to take the gospel from one end of the field — local, where you are and take it to the other end of the field — global.” The whole church rose to say that they wanted to get in the game.

Turkish Bible

ONE WISH results …I asked  the question and first reply was “I’m eager for a Full Turkish Translation Bible is the only language I can read“. That was his wish….. and here is it! God surprises us many times …great things happening in the Middle East.

Red Flowers

One night last week in Hong Kong I had a dream of red flowers climbing up a wall. I wondered what it meant. Two days later I shared with three muslims. Their hearts were open. As I walked away from the Turkish restaurant I saw these flowers.

One Wish Lebanon

This brother in Lebanon could not wait to tell me that he had led someone to the Lord — one of twenty who made a decisions one evening after receiving the One Wish training.







Giving wristbands to Syrian refugees in Lebanon.