Oct 7, 2019 | Blog, One Wish, US Ministry
The team we equipped with One Wish saw 20 people respond to the Lord at a Catfish festival in Huntington, Texas this last Saturday.

Jul 23, 2019 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

Training and Outreach at OM’s Transform Week in Athens, Greece.
Terrific time training 150 Omers from 27 nations with One Wish in Greece this July.
Then it was out on the streets of Athens to put it into practice. And people responded as we explained the good news with the four pictures on the bracelets.
Jul 23, 2019 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

This morning I met with twelve teenagers at a camp in Belarus (country between Poland and Russia).
Eleven of the twelve had never opened a Bible before this week. As I drew a diagram to show them from 2 Timothy 3:15-17 why God gave us His Book, I saw their hearts being opened.
Apr 29, 2019 | Blog, Camp Icthus, Inspirational, One Wish, US Ministry, Video
Richard will be speaking to the kids at Camp Icthus. The location is on the Mountain Fellowship Camp facility in Suches GA. He briefly spoke to the day campers, on getting “Out of the Box” to reach people for Christ. For more info on Camp Icthus, please visit CampIcthus.org.
Mar 7, 2019 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish, US Ministry
Out tonight enjoying a Lebanese meal with Rachel, my wife, and a friend, I gave a One Wish gospel leaflet to Justin, our server. I wanted to share more with him but he was busy with other customers. Later I noticed him reading the leaflet.
Leaving the restaurant, I was excited to see Justin again. He was outside waiting for his ride. I explained the four pictures on my wristband. His heart was open. He put his trust in Christ. I gave him a “Growing in Friendship” follow-up booklet. Then his ride came.
Feb 22, 2019 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish