Jan 30, 2023 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
Botros (the brother speaking) is from Syria and is taking the Tyrannus missions training in Lebanon along with his wife.
They were at the church service this morning where Richard spoke about stepping out of the box and sharing our faith. Richard also taught One Wish.
Then this evening he taught the other students what he heard this morning!

These are from a time of sharing right after the church service where Richard gave an equipping message on One Wish. The four students with us from Streams of Living Water readily shared with individuals and groups
Botros used One Wish that he had just learned in my Sunday morningmessage to help a young man begin a friendship with God.
Fares and the team here in Lebanon, share with a group of 3 young men using the One Wish flash cards
From Iraq on holiday in Lebanon, this lady said, “This is the first time I am hearing about Jesus.”
Jan 30, 2023 | Blog, One Wish, US Ministry
Taught — 8 Keys to being a person God uses to impact the world in the launch class of the 13 week “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” in Statesboro , Georgia.
Key #3: The person God uses to impact the world cannot keep Jesus to themselves.
Jan 19, 2023 | Blog, Inspirational, US Ministry, Video
During a baptism in a recent service at our church, I sensed there was someone else who needed to be baptized.
Mar 15, 2022 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

Shared One Wish this morning with a group of poor, mistreated women who make clothes for a living and they trusted in Christ. They are holding One Wish leaflet in Arabic. Richard
Mar 15, 2022 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
Amazing time in Cairo, Egypt sharing with teens:
– The Father’s heart in the OT
– The Son’s heart in the Gospels
– The Spirit’s heart in Acts