The quick and the dead

describes the German autobahn and when our car had a heart attack in the middle lane, Rachel and I gasped as cars swerving violently to miss us. Helpless, we could not start the car, move it or know how to call the police and frantically tried to find the flashers of this borrowed car. A car pulled up behind and put on it’s flashers. Trucks and cars hurtled passed, as I stepped out, did the phone sign and hollared to call the police. Did they understand English? We sat there. Did he call the police? Ten forever minutes later blue flashing lights. Stopping the traffic, backing us to the side and calling a tow truck, the policeman’s look said enough. I still wonder if the elderly couple who stayed behind us until the police arrived were angels.

The Lord counts the number of our days so we want to make each day count.

I will never forget his words.

“That all the sins of my past would be forgiven so that a way would be open for me,” responded the Muslim man to my, “If you could wish one thing from God today for you, what would that be?” as he waited for his daughter outside the bathroom at the sparkling Westfield Mall, ready for the London Olympics this July.

Before we call, He answers

Told a group training in evangelism this afternoon at our GO conference in Germany, that I would love to be invited next year to take a day to take the all the 1 and 2 year recruits going out across the world across the street in Mosbach. Finished seminar and walk into dining room. “Richard, would you come sit down, said Dave and James, 2 of the program team. Would you come next year and take everyone out of a day of evangelism in Mosbach?

Took my breath away this morning

I sat still this morning in Germany on Psalm of the day in my journal ‘In the cool of the day’ – Psalm 46:10

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honoured among the nations.”

As I am sitting motionless before God – no words or even thoughts, just silence, the movement, words and thoughts will be by the nations honoring God.

It took even my breath away.
Be still today – see what happens to you and the nations.