Hello from the foothills of Alps!

Hello from OM base at the foothills of the Italian Alps.  I am enjoying being with the team and will be speaking to them and taking youth and church meetings with weekend.

“You made my day”

… said a number of shop owners and shoppers, as 20 of us from the OM team, accompanied by accordion and guitar, sang out Christmas carols in our local stores in Tyrone — and folk joined in with us as we handed out song sheets.

Praying a Christmas blessing over the business and all present, we invited people to check out the ‘Christmas Wish’ on the back of the song sheet and watch the video ‘The 5 Colors of Christmas’ at: www.RichardSharp.me

It made our day as well.

Cover Up

“What we cover, God will uncover.
What we uncover, God will cover.”

As I ended the message, this whole church in Bangalore, India rose, walked forward in repentance.

After the service a man came to me.

“A colleague just came trembling. “I only gave you 300 rupees and kept the other 200. Please forgive me.”

“I had an affair earlier this year,” said another to me, his eyes bowed. “Broke it off, confessed it to the Lord, but never told my wife. Going home now to confess to her.”

My heart skipped like King David’s:

Then I acknowledged my sin to you
and did not COVER UP my iniquity.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.”
And you forgave the guilt of my sin.
Psalm 32:5

Wonder of Wonders

He took to himself what He was not,
while remaining what he was.

He came to us in a man
without ever departing from the Father.

He continued to be what he is
while appearing to us as what we are.

His divine power was confined in the body of an infant
without (his presence) being withdrawn from the (entire) universe.

– Augustine’s Christmas Sermon, AD 396