One Wish in Japan

“Richard, you would have loved to hear the Nagasaki (Japan) port praise,” writes Chris, resident pastor onboard our mission ship, Logos Hope. “I believe over 50 stories of people using One Wish to lead someone to Christ we’re told.”

Great news from Japan — second hardest country in the world to reach with the good news.

What God’s up to this morning…

…as my honey sits around the table with 3 friends:

“Then those whose lives honored God got together and talked it over. God saw what they were doing and listened in. A book was opened in God’s presence and minutes were taken of the meeting, with the names of the God-fearers written down, all the names of those who honored God’s name.”

Malachi 3:16 The Message

Getting an ‘F’ for Prayer

“For many years I was bothered by the thought that I was a failure at prayer. Then one day I realized I would always be a failure at prayer; and I’ve gotten along much better ever since.”

Brother Lawrence from the 17th Century

One Wish in South Korea

Katie, from the USA, met a girl onboard Logos Hope in South Korea who had lived in her home state of Michigan. They talked for four hours. Half way through Katie asked her the One Wish question. ” If you could wish one thing from God today for you, what would that be?”

Her response!!!” I wish that if there was a god that he would come and live life here and understand what it is like to be human and remember it.” You can imagine the rest of the conversation.