Aug 24, 2014 | Blog, One Wish
During talkback time after a One Wish outreach with a church team in England this summer, one pastor shared that for 5 years he had gone out each week to share Christ.
Making a circle with this right thumb and finger, “I had zero response.”
And showing the 4 pictures on the One Wish wristband, “this morning I led someone to The Lord.”
Aug 24, 2014 | Blog, US Ministry
God takes full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to him.
Aug 20, 2014 | Blog, One Wish
This week the team is leading a kids club in northern Italy for 50 local children. The most important time of the day is “team time,” where the Transform team shares with the children about Jesus using Richard Sharp’s gospel picture bracelet. For example, the team used the picture of the diamond to explain to the kids how they are precious to God.
Aug 20, 2014 | Blog, One Wish
If we have not taken God’s hand of friendship in this life, God will not take our hand in the next life.
Aug 20, 2014 | Blog, US Ministry
Richard @ Transform 2014: Rome, ITALY
Aug 20, 2014 | US Ministry
Eugene Peterson