One Wish at Tyrone Founders Day
Some of our One Wish team last weekend at Tyrone Founders Day weekend helping twenty people take God’s hand of friendship.
Some of our One Wish team last weekend at Tyrone Founders Day weekend helping twenty people take God’s hand of friendship.
If you could wish one thing from God today for you Niki, what would that be?
“I would serve God with all my heart to bring others to know him,” she responded.
I prayed a sentence prayer for her one wish. Then giving her my wristband, I invited her to watch the video on my website to see the way to share Christ with the four pictures on her wristband.
“I am going to watch the video first thing in my lunch break. In my three years at Best Buy I have never had a conversation like this nor had someone pray for me.”
Enjoyed good coffee and churros in Kakao Cafe this morning, a stone throw away from our OM US base in Tyrone, Georgia, and shared with some folk about One Wish.
On a day that Dyfan, from England, had intended to spend an undisturbed day on board the ship, in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, he found himself ending up in a prison cell sharing the Gospel with three juvenile delinquents.
His friend and fellow crewmember, Tom, who works in Logos Hope’s book fair, had befriended a visitor while helping to take a picture. It turned out that the visitor works as a magistrate in the city. He offered to take Tom and Dyfan out for some sightseeing and even invited them to the judicial centre where he works. At the centre, Dyfan met three young men who were in custody and awaiting sentencing for various crimes.
His first thought was to pray for them, which he did. Then, as he was about to leave the centre, he felt a tugging in his heart – a feeling that he had forgotten something. Returning to the cells, he realised he was wearing his “One Wish” bracelet, a tool to help share the message of the Gospel, even though he wasn’t intending to go off the ship that day. He asked the young men, “Do you know this Jesus that I just prayed about?” They didn’t, but wanted to hear more. Dyfan happily took the cue to share the love of God and the message of hope in Christ.
That afternoon, the three young men decided to follow Jesus. Dyfan was even allowed to enter the cell and pray with them as they took this step of faith. “I wasn’t intending to do anything that day, but God surprised me with this situation and used me,” said Dyfan, amazed at God’s plans.
“Do you remember you asked me my one wish from God on the stairway on the ship in Hong Kong two years ago? It was three in the morning and you had just arrived onboard. ‘That I would have a closer walk with God,’ I replied, and you prayed for one wish. I have never forgotten that moment. I went to your One Wish workshop and loved it. Later I took a team to Israel and we had such encouragement in conversations using One Wish. I am bringing my whole team to your workshop.” And there smiling away with his team from Sweden in the back row was at TeenStreet in Germany this August was Daniel.
With the Indian children holding up my One Wish flash cards, I shared the good news and come to Christ. Asked by one of the believers to baptize his wife, whose Hindu name meant ‘snake.’ and give her a new name, I clambered into the lake. Lowering her into the murky waters with the buffaloes and villagers looking on, I asked the Lord to give me a name. “Your old name is ‘snake.” Raising her up, “your new name is Martha,” “That is the perfect name for her,” the pastor chuckled, “she’s been preparing food all day for the evening meal after the gospel meeting.”