Oct 8, 2017 | Blog, One Wish, US Ministry
Richard could not think of a better 65th birthday gift than to team up with Rachel and friends at Tyrone Founders Day weekend and see thirty two people trust in Christ.
Sep 14, 2017 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
Just experienced a powerful time in Egypt speaking each day at a key missions with 600 event outside Cairo. Powerful times praying for people. A Muslim background believer was set free from the demonic, and a doctor told me a women said after prayer she experienced peace she had never had in 57 years.

Aug 8, 2017 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish, Spanish (Español)
Practicing sharing One Wish for an outreach in Spain.
She gave each child a wristband and then explained the four pictures.
Anna prayed to trust in Christ in Spain.
Sending a team to France out with One Wish materials.
Open the eyes of their hearts in Spain
Jul 8, 2017 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

I am embarking on an exciting 17 day mission trip (July 9-25). I will be with 100 young adults at Transform,
OM‘s training conference outside Barcelona, Spain, kicking off summer outreaches in the Mediterranean region.
I will then be on a team of four visiting and reaching out with teams and churches in Spain, Portugal and France using One Wish materials in the national languages.
Value your prayers for many open hearts this summer on this 2000 mile road trip.
Jun 10, 2017 | Blog, One Wish, US Ministry
Hundreds going out today to serve with practical projects the community in Kokomo, Indiana and share God’s one wish to have a friendship with them.