Feb 19, 2020 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

We will have ministry in 5 Countries over 8 Weeks and are raising Evangelism Resources and Travel funds. Thanks for helping equip God’s people around the world to help others to begin a friendship with God. – Richard and Rachel Sharp
Jan 31, 2020 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish
Thousands visiting our OM mission ship, Logos Hope, have an opportunity to get a One Wish packet along with their books on the book fair.

Nov 30, 2019 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish, US Ministry

Give a $10 (£10, €10) gift to reach 10 people around the world to each receive a wristband and leaflet (explains 4 pictures of the gospel).
Note: US donors receive tax receipt.
Jul 23, 2019 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

Training and Outreach at OM’s Transform Week in Athens, Greece.
Terrific time training 150 Omers from 27 nations with One Wish in Greece this July.
Then it was out on the streets of Athens to put it into practice. And people responded as we explained the good news with the four pictures on the bracelets.
Jul 23, 2019 | Blog, International Ministry, One Wish

This morning I met with twelve teenagers at a camp in Belarus (country between Poland and Russia).
Eleven of the twelve had never opened a Bible before this week. As I drew a diagram to show them from 2 Timothy 3:15-17 why God gave us His Book, I saw their hearts being opened.